Glensanda Quarry Visit
A number of Day Group’s Directors recently went on a trip to visit Aggregate Industries’ Glensanda Quarry. This super quarry, which is the largest granite quarry in Europe, is situated on the shore of Loch Linnie on the west coast of Scotland.
It was developed by Foster Yeoman but is now exclusively owned by Aggregate Industries. The scale of the quarry is immense, with an output of some 7 million tonnes a year. 360 tonne face excavators are able to load a dozen dumpers of 100 tonnes payload in just over 3 passes (based on 40 tonnes a pass).
There is an extensive 1,800 metre horizontal conveyor. This is responsible for taking material from below the main quarry workings and the primary crusher to the secondary processing and ship loading facilities on the foreshore.
Although the granite is transported to markets throughout Europe (and sometimes even further) everything has to come and go by boat due to the location.
Day Aggregates has been selling Glensanda material throughout Kent, where it is imported into the Isle of Grain.
As well as delivering by road, we also take train loads into several of our depots. This gives us an additional source to Torr Works in Somerset.